Making time for Jesus is vital. Time alone with Him is essential to our growth as a Christian and I believe, for our general well-being too. After all, how can you give your best to your family and friends, if your cup is empty? But I get it... LIFE IS BUSY! Here are my top 5 picks of devos that can keep you encouraged and close to Him, even in your busiest seasons of life.
Pressing Pause- 100 Quiet Moments for Moms to Meet With Jesus- I have gone through this devotional twice now. At times, it feels like the particular day was written just FOR ME and what I'm going through at that time. We all know that's a God thing, right? I would highly recommend this to any mama out there!
Proverbs 31 Ministries- This website is a resource I use often. The daily devotionals are geared towards women, but my husband and I read them together regularly. I love the encouragement it gives and also how you get perspective from new writers each day. I squeeze these in on my phone first thing in the morning before coaching, or while waiting in the car rider line for the kiddos or even at the end of a quick lunch break, since it can be accessed online anywhere.
Uncommon Life- This is written as a 1 year daily challenge by Tony Dungy. This is great for the sports loving man in your life. However, I LOVE this devotional too. The references to sports or being in a tough game situation can be for anyone to relate too. My husband and I read these together as well. You may not always have time to sit down together to read it, but if you read the assigned day at separate times, you can always discuss it with each other later.
Our Daily Bread- This is also an online ministry. These devotionals are a go-to on my super busy mornings when I only have 5 minutes of time with my coffee before heading out to coach before sun-up. Each day has a key verse, a suggested daily read for completing the Bible in a year, and a specific prayer to read at the end of each day. This quick link stays up on my phone always.
Jesus Calling- This is also a year long devotion, with 365 days of "enjoying peace in His presence". It is written as if Jesus is talking directly to you. Each day has a short message from Him, but also includes two to three reference scriptures for deeper study. I enjoy looking up the scriptures after reading the message and getting a little extra from The Word.
TAG (Time Alone with God) time is so important, guys. Even with busy schedules and feeling like we're being pulled in a million different directions, let's make it our goal to fit it in. After all, we are blessed to live these full abundant lives because of His gift to us.

(Found the perfect mug to start my days on Amazon!)