We’re gearing up for the holidays at the Fory home- Experimenting with all the fall flavors and side dishes. I think we’ve found one that won’t just hang around in November- we can enjoy it all year long!
These sweet potatoes are easy, so sweet, and the best part… healthy! You do not need marshmallows to enjoy sweet potato goodness on Thanksgiving.
These are also easy to take to get togethers. I needed something in a pinch a few weeks ago to share at our bible study gathering and I didn’t have time to slave in the kitchen. These were perfect! You can easily double the recipe if needed. They are also super yummy left over, so meal prepping some at the beginning of the week works too. Let’s get to it!

5 (or more) large, sweet potatoes- peeled and cubed
¼ cup orange juice (100% works best- not Splenda sweetened)
Drizzle honey
Ghee or grass-fed butter
Desired amount cinnamon
1- Spray your crockpot with cooking spray first
2- Peel and chop your sweet potatoes
3- Place them into your crockpot
4- Pour your orange juice over the potatoes (coating all of them)
5- Next, drizzle your honey all over the potatoes and then sprinkle with cinnamon
6- Add a few dollops of butter to the top (a little goes a long way) You could omit this, but just a tbsp (or two) chopped up and placed on top works.
7- Turn your crockpot on high and cook for about 4 or 5 hours

The longer the potatoes cook of course, the softer they will become. You want them soft, but you don’t want them to turn to mush when you stir them and toss them, so just be aware. If you are able to stir them halfway through their cooking time- to coat them with the cinnamon and honey evenly, you can. But if you are unable to do that, it will be just fine. I promise.
Take them to your family gathering or just reserve space in your oven on the big cooking day!
Tip- I like to eat the leftovers as my carb with breakfast. Some eggs, sausage and a side of candied goodness! A great way to start the day 😉
